Whose ever been along to this place in London?

I have, quite some time ago, it was just like a normal cafe but with kink pics on the walls and a wooden spoon for your table number, I always love a wooden spoon 😉

This isolation and lockdown has had me thinking about the social aspects of BDSM as well as the session side.

Wouldn’t it be great to go along to a safe place and just be able to meet like minded people, have a cuppa, nice slice of cake and if you drop some crumbs on the resident Mistress’s carpet maybe have to go over her lap for a little spank (not compulsory as it’s a social)

I would be looking at a small tribute to cover overheads of course as time spent chatting is great but could be spent in sessions.  My thoughts are once a month or every six weeks on a day of my choice, prob a Friday morning for 1/5 to 2 hours, min of 3 attending and up to 5 if just Me or with another Mistress then up to 8.  Everyone pays £35.00.

It’s not a play party, it’s time to come share a story, a book you’ve read, something saucy you’ve seen but can’t share with others.

Send Me an email if this is something you would like.  I make a fantastic Victoria sponge cake and any flavour variation.  I may even consider a sissy maid in attendance that can make a little batch of cakes to contribute to our gathering (same tribute for social applies)

Stay well and safe

Mistress Helen xXx


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