Good news that I have had My operation and both lens replaced in eyes and I am healing well.  I am actually back in sessions today onwards with My regulars and seeing new play mates from Friday 11th Jan when back in full glamour mode of wearing make-up.  If you are new and want to come play before Friday just be aware I will be the kinky strict girl next door look!

Up and coming events are 12th Femdom Tea Party

25th Queen Bee’s with the gorgeous Miss Kim in London

31st Jan Miss Kitty Bliss here for sessions and Pedestal that night so we are pondering on if to go along for a few hours.

1st Feb Miss Kitty Bliss here for doubles from 12 midday as we will need some sleep if we attend Pedestal.

I’m teaming up with Joanna Armstrong for The Burgess Hill Sissy Academy Days, make-overs/photos and play at various dates throughout the year and also by special request.

One of My friends is very interested in coming to assist and be a voyeur on sessions, some extra pocket money for her and lots of fun.  She is 28, slim, totally gorgeous and a lovely lady, watch this space for an announcement!

I have one place available for Malaga, send an email if you would love to come and have lots of fun in the sun.  It’s more reasonable for the 3 nights fully inclusive bed/board/food that you would have thought with a tribute to Moi and your flight on top for you to book/pay. Transfers from the airport to the villa can be arranged.  We haven’t set the dates yet but it will be late May/June/July/August for a THREE night stay.  I will need to have met you and played a couple of times between now and going away.

Happy healthy 2019 everyone

Mistress Helen xXx

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