Live Deliciously has become My new motto, having watched The Witch (film 2015) again recently and how I live My own life.

  • Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen it

“Wouldst thou like the taste of butter, a pretty dress , wouldst thou like to live deliciously?” This is spoken by Black Philip after being conjured by the eldest daughter at the end of the film

So often on Twitter I receive comments with “I wish it was me” or receive phone chat calls on My Dommeline sighing that if only they had the courage to session in person.  A whole year or more has passed with no booking in site, the desire to session is strong but they don’t take the leap of faith and book/pay the deposit.  Keep putting it off, then another year passes, another year and nothing ….

Suddenly you are several years older and still having regrets for the things you haven’t tried, no one towards end of life ever looks back and thinks “I was too kinky” There is always regret for not trying new things or doing more of what you love (within sensible reason, depending on what that is)

Have the slice of cake (burn it off) wear the pretty dress (sissies)  Explore your kinky side, BOOK your playtime, you will only wish you had done so much sooner!  In fact this is what I do hear from those who finally take the plunge, wishing they had simply booked in much sooner.

The pic below is a photo I took from My hallway of filth (there are lots of fetish framed prints/originals) you may also have noticed that I am watermarking all future photo content as My images keep being stolen and used to set up fake versions on various platforms, it’s essential that you only EVER contact Me via the email address on this website.

So “wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

Well now it’s up to you!

*Want to speed up the booking process, then send an Amazon gift code £30 call cover fee, direct from your Amazon account to My email or buy one from a retail outlet, rub off the panel and send the code by email.  Please note I NEVER open ANY type of attachments.  As per the booking blog, if you book within six weeks it will come off the final balance of an in person session.  I will give best timings to call Me provided you have sent the call cover fee, otherwise call when able until we connect.

Other payment methods

  1. via My Revolut @mhrtherapy
  3. Amazon Gift Code to (bought online or from supermarkets, I require the code off the scratch off panel)

Do not ask Me for any other form of payment.

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