Over the knee spanking

Pansy Penny polishes our shoes

Sissy maid tied to the kitchen taps

Some strap-on cock sucking training

Pansy Penny’s job interview.

I arrived for my interview for the maid’s postion. Mistress Helen let me in. “I was expecting a female” she said. “The agency told me Pansy Penny”. I had to admit that they had called me Pansy Penny ever since they found out about my French maid fetish. They liked to embarrass me by sending me for jobs where women had been requested.
“OK” she said doubtfully, “we’ll give you a try. I have to warn you though that my friend Mistress Tiffany is here. She has VERY high standards”. I was a bit nervous as I had lied on my CV about previous experience. But it’s only women’s work. How hard can it be? I thought I could wing it. How painfully wrong that turned out to be!
They looked through my bag of maid accessories, and noted that as well as my costume, I had some items of restraint. “I know maids should be seen and not heard, but not many come with their own gags” laughed Mistress Helen. She told me to undress and stand for inspection, hands on head. “I think the pink dress will fit him” she said. I was put into frilly knickers, the pink dress (which barely covered my bottom), a shocking pink pinny, a blond wig and a frilly maids cap with long pink ribbons.
“Not a good start! A hole in his stocking, and no cock-lock” noted Mistress Tiffany. “I can’t imagine anyone else has ever had any pleasure from your feeble little appendage, so why should you?”. “It’s had it’s moments” I replied, perhaps unwisely. I got a slap in the face; and a pair of large white ladies panties were pushed into my mouth and fixed in place with a strap. “If I want you to say something I will release your gag” she said sternly. “Until then, keep quiet!” “Is that clear?” she asked, with another slap. I nodded dumbly.
My first test was shoe polishing. I was forced to my elbows and knees and, with her still wearing them, had to polish Miss Tiffany’s shoes with the panties still in my mouth. Despite ‘encouragement’ from Mistress Helen’s crop, I did not meet her standards. They were equally disappointed with my attempts to clean Mistress Helen’s shoes. For that I was put over the desk and spanked by MT, while MH went upstairs. She called down that she could hear me mumbling, and should be given 10 extra strokes. This seemed slightly unfair, as MT had told me to say something but not removed my gag. Still, as I was constantly being reminded, sissies have to take what they are given and be grateful, even if they do think it unfair.
“She hasn’t done well on her first test. Perhaps she’s better at washing up” said MH. My panty gag was replaced with a wooden bit gag with bells on, my nipples were clamped, and I was led to the kitchen sink. My ankles were tied to two heavy weights, and a rope round my middle tethered me to the tap. I was given a bowl full of dirty crockery, and told to be quick about it. In my rush I was not as thorough as I should have been. Unfortunately, nothing escaped MT’s eagle eyes. I had left stains on a couple of cups, I had missed a wine glass, and I neglected to clean the sink surround when finished. They took me back to the room, with the weights still on my ankles like a ball and chain, and this time put over their knees for a good hard hand spanking. I had to make them  cups of tea, and then stand in the corner, hands on head, while they sipped their drinks and discussed what to do next.
“Failed both tests! We should send her back to the agency, and tell them how poor she is” said MT disdainfully. In my panic I shook my head and mmmphed into my gag. “MT came over and hit me with her crop. “You were told to Keep Quiet!” Then to MH “I think she’s so desperate for this job that she’ll do anything”. I realised I had given too much away. They now knew they had me over a barrel, and were going to take full advantage.
“Perhaps” said MH. “I think we’ll have her in the smother box”. MT went to fetch it, while I was forced to crawl on my hands and knees, and lay out a blanket to lie on. The weights were removed, and my gag released. I had to lie on my back while my head was locked into the box, and my wrists and ankles were bound in rope. MH then proceeded to smother me. I had to kiss her bottom through her tights and panties while MT counted how many kisses I could do without pausing for breath. 59 was the maximum. MH stood up and towered contemptuously over me as she put her foot over my mouth. It was heaven. I couldn’t help touching her leg, and a bulge in my panties was noticed. MT teased me gently with her crop; before giving me a stinging slap on each thigh. “Behave yourself!” she said sharply. MH asked me if I was thirsty. “I am a bit” I replied, puzzled at this unexpected kindness. “You’re lucky I’ve just relieved myself, or you’d be drinking my piss! Open wide”. She spat in my mouth.
“Speaking of which, let’s see how good she is at toilet cleaning” I was released from the box, untied and given a bottle of toilet duck and a brush. “Get on with it, slut” MH ordered, pointing to the bowl. When I had finished, MT inspected, and again found wanting. ” Very poor!” she said. “The bowl is clean enough, but she hasn’t touched the rim!” Then to me “Explain yourself, you lazy little strumpet!” I argued that I didn’t think they wanted toilet duck on the rim.
They gave me a glove and antibacterial wipes to complete the job. This did not absolve me from further punishment. I was again bent over the desk. “You are a lazy disobedient slut, and need ‘behaviour modification’, do you not?” said MT. Resistance was futile, so I said “Yes”. “Well, ask nicely then!” she ordered with a whack. I pleaded to be punished and taught to be a dutiful, well behaved, hard working maid. “Very well. Seeing as you ask so nicely, we’ll see what we can do.” she laughed. I was then paddled and caned by both mistresses, having to count and say thank you for each stroke. By the end I had well and truly been taught a lesson. I then had to curtsey, and thank them each in turn for their correction.
I was put back in my corner while they discussed whether I deserved one last chance. “I know; we’ll make her explain to us why we shouldn’t dismiss him out of hand” suggested MH. “Come here Pansy, and get to your knees”. What could I say to redeem myself? I decided to play my last card. “I may not be too good between my legs, but my oral services are highly recommended” I said. “Are they indeed? We could use someone to service our gentlemen party guests. Perhaps we should try her out.” said MH. MT was asked to fetch a dildo and condom; and I sucked MH’s toes until she returned with a large multi-coloured phallus.
“You can start by putting the condom on with your mouth” said MH. I held it against my lips with suction, and tried to roll it on with my lips. It was too tight, so I had to use my fingers. Even though it wasn’t the real thing, I couldn’t bring myself to use my teeth. Once it was in place, MT held it in her groin. MH grabbed one of my nipples and forced my mouth down on to it. I had to pump up and down. It was so big that my mouth was forced wide open. It soon grew tired, so I started licking the end instead.
“I suppose she shows promise as the party slut” said MT. “Perhaps we should get her back for a second interview some time soon”. With that I was told to stand up and curtsy five times to each of them, before being summarily dismissed. “We’ll be in touch; get dressed and get out!” said MH menacingly “before we leave you tied to a lamp post for the night, still in your sissy clothes”. They laughed as I scurried away!
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